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Ann Summers

Brief: Re-design the look & feel of the checkout flow, fix bugs and declutter to create a seamless user journey. 

Time frame: 2 week sprints, Rolling Project

Role: User Researcher & Product Designer

Tools: Figma, Figjam, Powerpoint, Userlytics & Content Square

The Impact.

  • This project drove 8k in revenue within the first week of testing on 50% of our customer base.

  • An A/B test was conducted over a 4 week time period

  • It continued to be a success and has consistently improved the Ann Summers websites conversion and revenue.

Initial Research.

Content Square Data

Content Square was used to provide the data behind our users activity on the website. We used it to track where users were clicking, where they dropped off on the journey and it helps us start to see what was working well and what was not.

UX Audit and Competitor Analysis

I spent some time going through the user journey myself with "dummy" user details to put together a brief UX audit.

I also looked into a number of direct and indirect competitors to see what the market were doing well and not so well.

User Feedback

We gathered user feedback from a group of users using a serious of questions. This helped us gather a number of positive and negative thoughts from the users directly and helped us understand the "why" behind the content square data.

Business Stakeholder Goals 

I set up a number of informal interviews with key stakeholders around the business to get a view on their thoughts on the current checkout, what was working for them and areas they thought could be improved. 

This included the Digital trading manager, Customer Lead and many others. 

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Figjam Research Board.

Some Key Problems & Changes.




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Your Bag Page

  • We aimed to increase the use of quicker checkout payment options by fixing them in place above the fold line.

  • Decluttered item tiles including; Price, Wishlist, Quantity and edit function

  • Pushing users to add more to their basket with a new free delivery tracker 



Your Bag Page

  • Users can explore delivery options without leaving the journey.

  • The delivery method drop down menu will now call out the date the user can expect their items alongside the "fastest" method tag feature

  • Display of alternative payment methods is now available.

  • Order totals are a lot clearer 

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Delivery Details

  • The user can view more content above the fold line 

  • The form has been reduced and hidden to encouraging users to utilise the autofill feature by locating their address.

  • Users can clearly view their shopping bag summary now

  • Sticky CTA only appears when key fields are filled in

Other Changes.

A/B Testing



Other Projects...

ASOS Hackathon
Shein redesign
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© 2023 by Tia Williams

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